A simple daily program can help keep you living well

Did you know that a very simple daily program can help you move and live better? Everyone has a different level of physical ability and if you need a helper to do activities standing up, you may still do seated physical activity by yourself. Doing this 3-4 times a week you will begin to feel stronger, remember to avoid things that cause pain.

Some suggestions are:

Practise sitting to standing 5-10 times and have a 20 min walk most days.

For people who need to exercise sitting down, doing seated marching, reaching the arms and trunk forward, slow toe-tapping, gently squeezing the shoulder blades together, tucking your chin or turning the shoulders side-to-side are all good. Keep it simple.

If you already have light hand weights or exercise stretchy band they can be useful. As with all exercise you should stop an activity you think is causing pain.

Today’s topic has been about simple activities but remember to be safe with physical activity. Make sure you check with a health professional before undertaking new exercise, if you are not usually very active. This is essential if exercise causes symptoms, particularly dizziness or chest pain. Your capacity to move and be active will gradually increase but it’s important to work safely at your level. Remember we were made to move – it helps us feel happier! Wishing you health and movement – the Jasmine team.

Please don’t hesitate to call or email us if you would like more information.