Mobility for Seniors

How do you help an elderly person with loss of mobility in their legs, to stand and walk safely, without lifting or supporting them? It helps when you know what to do and what not to do. Mobility for Seniors is a half-day practical course for aged care health workers and laypeople.

This course gets a range of people involved in caring for older adults thinking differently about how to make better use of a senior’s existing mobility, and the winner is – everyone.

The training will give you information and techniques for working with the typical client whose mobility is decreasing. Including when to facilitate mobility, and when to accept some loss of mobility. It will give you new skills to help assess people with some loss of mobility, reduce strain on the helper and respect the person being assisted. Decision making and safety for all parties is covered as a priority.

Helping someone to move is easier and safer when you know how. It’s also rewarding to help someone maintain their activity levels and greater independence.

Your trainer is qualified and has exceptional experience in manual handling and human movement for older adults.

Email or call us on 0400 216 543 for more information about this unique training, or to see how it can help you.